536E saws can use the following chain types
- FORCE3 Chains: Inexpensive chains preferred by general contractors
- 25 F3 segments use 10" Bar 621540
- 29 F3 segments use 12" Bar 71395
- 32 F3 segments use 14"Bar 513122
- FORCE4 Chains: Longer lasting chains preferred by Pro-Cutters
- 25 F4 segments use 12" Bar 523383
- PowerGrit Chains: Ductile Iron chains used by utility workers
- 24 PG segments use 10" Bar 579158
- 25 PG segments use 12" Bar 523383
Click Here for an ICS Chain Selection Chart and helpful tips on chain usage: pdf
Click Here for 536E Combo Packs: Buy 2 Chains, get FREE Matching Guide Bar & Drive Sprocket when purchasing 536E combo packs.
Showingof 21 item(s)
10-inch FORCE3 General purpose chain. For use on ICS RZ60, 603GC, 660GC, 613GC, 680 and 680ES power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting medium pressure concrete with no rebar.
10-inch FORCE3 Brick Chain (13 Inch on 814PRO saws). For use on ICS RZ60, 603GC, 660GC, 613GC, 680 and 680ES power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting brick, cinder block, and abrasive stone.
10-inch FORCE Premium chain (13 Inch on 814PRO saws). For use on ICS RZ60, 603GC, 660GC, 613GC, 680 and 680ES power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting high pressure concrete with rebar.
12-inch FORCE3 General purpose chain. For use on ICS 613GC, 680, 680ES, 623/633GC, and 695XL-GC power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting medium pressure concrete with no rebar.
12-inch FORCE3 brick/block chain. For use on ICS 613GC, 680, 680ES, 623/633GC, and 695XL-GC power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting brick, cinder block, and abrasive stone.
12-inch FORCE3 Premium chain. For use on ICS 613GC, 680, 680ES, 623/633GC, and 695XL-GC power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting high pressure concrete with rebar.
14-inch FORCE3 General purpose chain (16" on RockBoss Saws). For use on ICS 613GC, 680, 680ES, 623/633GC, 695XL-GC, and Stihl RockBoss power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting medium pressure concrete with no rebar.
14-inch FORCE3 General purpose chain (16" on RockBoss Saws). For use on ICS 613GC, 680, 680ES, 623/633GC, 695XL-GC, and Stihl RockBoss power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting brick, cinder block, and abrasive natural stone.
14-inch FORCE3 General purpose chain (16" on RockBoss Saws). For use on ICS 613GC, 680, 680ES, 623/633GC, 695XL-GC, and Stihl RockBoss power heads running 3/8" pitch chains. Good for cutting high pressure concrete with rebar.
*** THIS CHAIN IS DISCONTINUED *** It has been replaced by the IC12-648023 ICS Force 4 Standard with Trident segment technology. Good for standard pressure concrete with no rebar.
*** THIS CHAIN IS DISCONTINUED *** and has a very limited quantity available. It has been replaced by the ICS Speed King Premium S.
*** THIS CHAIN IS DISCONTINUED *** It has been replaced by the ICS Force 4 Premium L with Trident segment technology.